The Beginning

Starting doing beading in @1995 after getting alcohol poisoning while out partying with friends. It is a talent that God gave me to keep me from trying to kill myself (literally through binge drinking and then driving while drunk) From broken to Reborn, from lost to Found, God gave me this talent to make jewelry and I didn't realize how relevant it was to my life until I was listening to the radio praising God and this song came on (of course I forgot the name and such) but it talked about taking the old and making it new again. God did that with me as I do that with my jewelry! I love taking old broken pieces and recreating something new and exciting. If the necklace doesn't have earrings with it, I can make some to go with it. Romans 7:24 O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of death. vs 25 I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord. It only through Jesus can we be truly changed, He alone has all power to deliver us from the bondage of sin and give us new life.
And while this started out as Jewelry, it has become a creative outlet in Bible Journaling and other crafts. Keep God number one in everything you do!

Friday, July 22, 2016


This morning is riddled with regret, guilt, but overcome by PRAYER, PRAISES, thoughts of THANKS and SACRIFICE.
I don't know a HUMAN alive that doesn't experience regret or guilt on some level. Some of us may push it to an extreme and hold on to it like Linus does his blanket while others of us can push it to the far reaches of the Earth and ACT as though the situation didn't affect us.  While we may act that way, it does still affect us. Maybe not in a big way but over time, each incident in which we push our regrets and guilts to the abyss to "forget" they happened, they grow and feed off of each other.  And sooner or later (usually sooner...) they explode out other HUMANS to see.  That's when we panic...we don't want someone to think we are weak because of our "pack" mentality, we fear being shame, and shunned. Pushed away and "unloved" by those around us. GUILTY of this...for many of years...
BUT there is a way out...there is SOMEONE who came and took on those iniquities - SINS - and wiped us clean. Allowing us a new FREEDOM to be LOVED, to be a LIGHT for others.
Today I pray that you become RICH in God's LOVE and walk in HIS light.  I pray for forgiveness of my sins and ask for forgiveness of anyone I have done wrong. I pray for strength to see with an open heart and be LOVE.
Love you all!

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